A panel from the comic Dream a Little Dream by Andrew Attwell and Matthew Robinson

An experimental comic collaboration with Matthew Robinson. Drawn for the 11th Manga Jiman competition, hosted by the Japanese Embassy in London in 2017. We both worked on the art, and the artwork switches erratically between our styles as the story progresses. This was our second time entering Manga Jiman together, and the second time we got 4th place.

Embassy cover page for the comic Dream A Little Dream by Andrew Attwell and Matthew Robinson

The theme for this year’s competition was dreams. The guidelines explicitly stated that stories that end with “it was all dream” would be seen less favourably by the judges than more inventive interpretations. We’ve never been ones to follow the guidelines.

(Also, the judges were not fooled by the fact that the word manga was in the title).

Written by Andrew Attwell, art by Andrew Attwell (pages 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7) and Matthew Robinson (pages 4, 5 and 8).

Originally posted by the Embassy on LINE Webtoons, you can read the other 2017 entries here.

Artist Bio from the award ceremony:

Japanese Embassy Questionnaire about the comic Dream A Little Dream